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Moolah is a budgeting tool geared towards helping college students learn how to create and manage a budget. It focuses on a more visual approach in order to make the app more approachable and user-centered, rather than complex and hard to use. Moolah's visual design is theoretical as the scope of this project focuses more on functionality and less on real-world application.


Moolah was presented at the DePaul 2016 Design Showcase.


Users can choose how they interact with Moolah when they first download and open the app. They can either have it create a budget for them, use it to manage a budget they’ve created, or set a savings goal. For the purpose of this prototype, let’s assume the user is using the app to create a budget for them they can manage.



  • Budget Suggestion Form

  • Analysis Report

  • Add Receipt

  • Goal System


Original mockup on front page by Herson Rodriguez.



View the prototype in InVision here.



Feature 1: Budget Suggestion Form

High-Fidelity Prototype


The budget suggestion form allows the user to use Moolah to create a budget. The app collects as much data from the user as possible in order to set aside money for necessities, such as bills and rent, and categorizes different amounts based on how the user prioritizes different expenses.


Process Flow

Feature 2: Analysis Report

High-Fidelity Prototype


Unless the user chooses to use Moolah to create a budget, the homepage is the overall analysis report, which gives a broad overview of money spent and money remaining in Moolah’s major categories. The analysis report allows the user to delve deeper into each major category to see the breakdown of money spent and money remaining. The user can also see the sub-category analysis reports by choosing an icon in the sidebar. From the sub-category page, users can look at records and receipts from places they’ve shopped and entered into Moolah’s system.


Process Flow

Feature 3: Add Receipt

High-Fidelity Prototype


The app keeps track of the user’s budgeting progress by tracking the receipts the user inputs into the system. In order to make this process quicker and more efficient, the receipt screen is only one screen and is located in the middle of the nav bar, the place a user’s thumb would be able to access the easiest. The receipt is available in multiple areas, in order to give the user a record of what and where they spent money.


Feature 4: Goal System

High-Fidelity Prototype


Another major feature of Moolah is the ability to set savings goals, either short-term or long-term. The user can either create their own timeline and budget or allow Moolah’s algorithm to create a budget for them based on their preferred timeline or deadline.

Process Flow

Research & Planning

Data Digitization


Designed by: Veronica Perez | 2019

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